So, what's new in the life of me?
I have been wanting a dog for a while, so I decided to foster some instead of adopting. I can't really afford to adopt a dog, nor do I have a permanent place to live and keep a pet in! Anyway. So I'm fostering a dog through an organization that's based in San Diego called "Second Chance Rescue". They take the dogs from humane societies in the area that are on the "red list" which means they'll be put down soon, and put them in foster homes.

I got two dogs, both poodle mixes. They are both boys, gray, and fuzzy! They got cleaned and groomed right before I picked them up on Fridays so they smell good and feel good! Neither of them had a name when I got them, so for now I don't have names. I think it'll help me not get so attached as well (I only keep them until they are adopted).
This little guy is about a year old, and he's a terrier poodle mix. Too cute, right? I think so. He's got raccoon eyes that are just a little too cute sometimes!!
This is the other one! I think he's a poodle chihuahua or something... but I'm not sure. He's not quite as cuddly as the other dog.
On a not so happy note, they fight. Both need to be neutered, but in the mean time I can't keep them both because I'm afraid they'll fight and hurt each other while I'm gone during the day. So either today or tomorrow the little guy (second picture) is going back down to San Diego to the coordinator's home until they find him a new foster.
Well, school started last week. I'm taking Humanities 101 (general humanities), abnormal psych, psychology of women, and Anthropology 107 (Language and culture). It should be an interesting semester. I've already taken the Psych of women and humanities classes, but I need to have 12 units to keep my insurance.
I'm looking to transfer in the fall (no schools are doing spring acceptance!!). I'll either go to:
So we'll see how all the works out. San Jose State and CSU, San Marcos both have 13 unit caps for all their undergraduate students, so that's a big factor in my decision. It changes from week to week, but as of right now I'm thinking that CSU, Monterey Bay will be the best place for me in terms of graduating as early as possible. I'm tired of being in school, so that's a big priority. Plus, I'm sure my dad's getting tired of me switching schools!
Where ever I go, I REALLY want to study abroad. I'm thinking of doing Prague for a semester. But then again, I also want to do London (I think it would make the transition a lot easier if I spoke the language of the country, and I don't know about you.... but I don't know ANYONE that speaks Czech). London is just VERY expensive. That's a big factor, unfortunately. So I'm thinking that maybe I'll just drop the 2 classes I've already taken this semester and work a LOT more or try to find a second job to help pay for it. Or maybe a loan? I don't know. It's something I've always wanted to do, ever since I heard about it in high school so we'll see how it all works out.
For now, that's all that's really going on with me! Here's a little photo update of my life as of right now!
These are the two people that I hang out with the most down here in Escondido (where i'm living now for school!). The one on the left is my friend Chloe, we've gone to school together since 6th grade! My roommate Natalia is on the right. We met when I went to Notre Dame, my sophomore year of high school. They're what is keeping me sane right now!!
This is Chris (or Bear), my boyfriend! We've been together veryyy close to 2 years. He makes me happy =] sorry about the ridiculous picture, he doesn't like taking pictures so this was the best I could find on short notice!
That's my life as of right now! I'm sure I left stuff out, so if I did and I remember them, I'll post again later. As of right now, I'll write more when I get a chance!