Saturday, March 20, 2010

Study Abroad!

I am happy to report here that I have been OFFICIALLY accepted into the Prague Fall 2010 program!!!! Now, I just have to get all my last minute stuff in line (like getting a visa, registering with the Government that I'll be gone, telling my bank, and all that kind of stuff). Luckily, I already have a passport from when I went to Argentina last summer so that helps a lot! One less thing I have to worry about =]

If you want to check out the program I'm going to Prague with and all the details and such, here's the link:

You can see all the other options I had to choose from and all that good stuff!! If you want to see my program, you obviously just click on Prague, Czech Republic.

I am all too excited for this amazing adventure in my life and I think it's going to be the funnest thing I've ever done!! I plan on taking all too many pictures, traveling as often as I can, making tons of friends, checking out all the castles and amazing sights, and just having fun! Oh... and I think I'll throw some school in there too =]


  1. Congratulations Lindsay! What a wonderful experience this will be for you. What courses will you be taking? I was looking at their website and the volunteer work at Nelahozeves Castle looks like a really cool thing to do and fits you very well. Are you going to look into it?

  2. Lindsay! I am SO glad that it's all working out for you! You are going to have the time of your life. I honestly can't tell you how amazing studying abroad is. I'm loving every minute of it. Eeeee! So excited for you!

  3. Thank you everyone!

    Grandpo- I haven't started looking into that yet because I want to get all of the really important stuff (visas, loan, etc) done before I worry about any extras! I will definitely look into it though, thanks for the idea! I haven't picked my classes for sure yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you know!!

    Bri- I am SO excited!! And reading your blog about London and all the fun you've been having is making me even MORE excited!! I'm so happy you're having a great time!! I'm sure I'll have just as much fun =]
