Saturday, January 29, 2011

School and Work

First week of school at CSUMB is now over and done with. It was quite a good week actually. Typically I'm not HUGE into the first week of school because it's just syllabi and the like, but this year was actually quite fun. Here's a little break down of my classes:

Psych 200/L: This is a statistical psych class that is the intro to research with data and statistical analysis. This class is going to be FUN. I hate hate hate math with a passion, but my teacher is SUPER awesome and knows that most people don't really like math and she's making it into something fun for us. Our first assignment is to pick something about ourselves that we want to change (lose weight, drink more water, procrastinate less, stop smoking, etc) and for one month we have to track our progress on it. I'm doing a mixture of two different things. I'm tracking how "on track" I stay with my 5k training, and also I have a goal of drinking 64+oz of water every day of the week. We start on Feb 1st, so I'll be letting you guys know what's up with that.

Psych 300: This is "Experimental psych and human assessment". Basically, the goal of the class is to teach us a bit about what psych majors can do after graduation. She is going to help us pick a concentration, tailor the class towards our interests, if we want to go to grad school, if we want to pick a career with only a BA, etc etc etc. Basically this class couldn't have come at a better time for me because only recently have I chosen what I want to focus my studies towards. Special needs children, specifically with autism and anxiety disorders.

SBS 318: This is an online course I'm taking and it's basically a class that is for all SBS (social and behavioral science) majors that teaches you how to use the computer programs that are required for your field. I'm only taking it because I have to as a graduation requirement, I know basically all of the stuff on the syllabus. Whatever.

Span 102: Pretty straightforward, this is the second semester Spanish language class. This class is going to be a BREEZE. I took 2 years of Spanish in middle school and 4 in high school and then 1 semester in college. I am highly proficient in Spanish, and probably should test out of the 102 and 201 courses, but I like the easy A's.

GS 362, Global Literatures: This class is focused on the world, post-colonialism. We will be reading a lot of very global books that are about Vietnam, South Africa, Korea, etc etc. It will be an interesting class, and the books seem like things that I'd like to read but wouldn't have ever found on my own, so that's a plus. If I like reading the book I'll most likely do the work more often! Downfall... a LOT of writing. This is my upper division writing class (my last, thank god) and it's also a graduation requirement, but I think it will be a fun one. Oh, except that she assigned 170 pages of reading over spring break. Not cool, not at all. Guess I'll just have to take my book poolside.

So, those are my classes this semester. I think it will be a decently easy workload, none of them seem too strenuous that I can't do them all, I just need to not procrastinate so much. Always my biggest issue. I am my own worst academic enemy.

Work! Well, this was a very disheartening topic for me until about a week ago. I got a babysitting job with the COOLEST little 6 year old girl, and even though I'll only be watching her 4 days a month (2 days a week, and she spends 2 weeks in Santa Barbara visiting her dad. She's obviously home-schooled), it's still enough money to cover my entire rent. SWEET. Then maybe 3 days ago I got a call from Ken's brother Keith, saying that they're looking for someone part time at his company, Doors Unlimited, and that my mom suggested me because she wasn't able to do it. Excellent! I met up with Keith and the general manager, Dan, yesterday and all seemed to go well! I have another interview next week, but if it works out then that will be something I can do until I graduate and possibly beyond (until I find a solid career, obviously) and they'd be willing to work with my school schedule! Whoaaaa. Hope it works out, fingers crossed!

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