Something you’re proud of in the past few days
In the past few days I've made a budget and tried sticking to it. Technically, it starts on March 1st so I'm trying to not spend any money until then that's not absolutely necessary. I'm proud that I've started taking the small steps that I need to take towards adulthood and being independent eventually. It's not happening right now, but that's to be expected. I go to school all the time, full time, and there's no way I can be 100% financially independent with my school schedule, but it's nice to know that I have the steps in place to be that way when I graduate in a year.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 8
Short term goals for this month and why
Really, my only short term goal for this month is to figure out how to balance out my work, school, and social lives. They are all important, but school is most important by far, and because I was/am working so much, it's tough to get all my homework done. I've got to work on time management and cut back a little bit on work. Social life is left for the weekends, since I don't have school or work those days!
Really, my only short term goal for this month is to figure out how to balance out my work, school, and social lives. They are all important, but school is most important by far, and because I was/am working so much, it's tough to get all my homework done. I've got to work on time management and cut back a little bit on work. Social life is left for the weekends, since I don't have school or work those days!
Day 7
A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

My dad! He has a huuuuuge impact on me, definitely one of the biggest in my life. I couldn't ask for a better Pops. However, sometimes we are too much a like and we piss each other off. Mainly though, we get along famously and he supports everything I do. Love you Dad!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 6
Favorite super hero and why
I think that my favorite superhero is Harry Potter. I know he's not a stereotypical "superhero", but I mean, he flies (on a broom, but let's not get so technical), he does magic, he fights the darkest wizard in the world as a baby and lives, from the time he was 12 the most evil and powerful wizard is after him, etc etc.
So in short, I totally think Harry Potter is a superhero and he is my favorite.
I think that my favorite superhero is Harry Potter. I know he's not a stereotypical "superhero", but I mean, he flies (on a broom, but let's not get so technical), he does magic, he fights the darkest wizard in the world as a baby and lives, from the time he was 12 the most evil and powerful wizard is after him, etc etc.
So in short, I totally think Harry Potter is a superhero and he is my favorite.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 5
Day 4
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmm. A habit that I wish I didn't have... Target.
I love Target, and I wish that I didn't have the unfortunate habit of spending money on things there that I don't need. I got in with 3 items in mind, usually something like toothpaste, deodorant, and pens or whatever... useful and necessary things in other words. I come out with like a million tings I don't need. I've been cutting down on that a LOT lately, I usually only get the things I need, but if I get something that I don't need at the moment, it's more likely to be something I can use down the road (like more shampoo) instead of clothes or shoes.
Hmm. A habit that I wish I didn't have... Target.
I love Target, and I wish that I didn't have the unfortunate habit of spending money on things there that I don't need. I got in with 3 items in mind, usually something like toothpaste, deodorant, and pens or whatever... useful and necessary things in other words. I come out with like a million tings I don't need. I've been cutting down on that a LOT lately, I usually only get the things I need, but if I get something that I don't need at the moment, it's more likely to be something I can use down the road (like more shampoo) instead of clothes or shoes.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 3
Day 2
Look at that, I already missed a day. I'll make up for it right now!
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Why not? Simple as that.
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Why not? Simple as that.
Friday, February 18, 2011
"30 Days of Me" Blogging Challenge
Lately I've been really bad about blogging, but that's because I've been so busy. So, I found this little "blog challenge" so it would encourage me to do one little post every day. I'm apologizing in advance if I don't do it EVERY day, but I will catch up if I don't!
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I love to read. I read constantly and for fun. I have WAY too many books to be on just one book shelf. They are currently piled into one bookcase and some are still in boxes. I also have a kindle with 70+ books on it, which I love, but if I had to choose between going to a bookstore and sitting for hours picking out books or buying them online and having them sent to my kindle... I'll pick books over Kindle everyday.
2. My dog Toby is the coolest/cutest dog you'll ever see. He is amazing and I'm so happy we found each other.
3. I studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. Every day I think about Prague and I miss it intensely. I WILL go back.
4. I love coffee and tea. I love them equally, but I tend to drink coffee more. I think it's because when I was in Prague the only coffee I could make at home was instant and it SUCKED so I drank tons of tea. So, I'm tea'd out I guess!
5. Math is my least favorite subject, ever.
6. I have two jobs. One is as an owner's assistant at a door and window company, and the other I nanny for a 6 year old little girl who I love to play and have fun with!
7. Babies frighten me. I think they're cute and what not, but they scare the crap out of me. I'm not even sure if I want to have kids.
8. One thing that I wish I did more often is take pictures. I love taking pictures, but it's hard to find the time to do it with everything else goign on in my life.
9. My favorite holiday is Christmas. Not too original, but that's okay.
10. I desperately want an iphone.
11. Cooking is my passion. Someday, I want to open a bakery. Maybe someday I'll go to culinary school. That would be awesome.
12. My dad gives me flowers on a regular basis because he knows how much I love to have them in my house.
13. My dog has a bed that's about 8x the size he needs. Why get a twin when you can afford a king size? Oddly enough, the big one was cheaper at costco than the little ones are at petsmart. Pet stores are a rip-off.
14. My major weaknesses in life are candles, wine, makeup, and office supplies. You can never have too much of those four things.
15. Peaches are my favorite fruit by far.
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I love to read. I read constantly and for fun. I have WAY too many books to be on just one book shelf. They are currently piled into one bookcase and some are still in boxes. I also have a kindle with 70+ books on it, which I love, but if I had to choose between going to a bookstore and sitting for hours picking out books or buying them online and having them sent to my kindle... I'll pick books over Kindle everyday.
2. My dog Toby is the coolest/cutest dog you'll ever see. He is amazing and I'm so happy we found each other.
3. I studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. Every day I think about Prague and I miss it intensely. I WILL go back.
4. I love coffee and tea. I love them equally, but I tend to drink coffee more. I think it's because when I was in Prague the only coffee I could make at home was instant and it SUCKED so I drank tons of tea. So, I'm tea'd out I guess!
5. Math is my least favorite subject, ever.
6. I have two jobs. One is as an owner's assistant at a door and window company, and the other I nanny for a 6 year old little girl who I love to play and have fun with!
7. Babies frighten me. I think they're cute and what not, but they scare the crap out of me. I'm not even sure if I want to have kids.
8. One thing that I wish I did more often is take pictures. I love taking pictures, but it's hard to find the time to do it with everything else goign on in my life.
9. My favorite holiday is Christmas. Not too original, but that's okay.
10. I desperately want an iphone.
11. Cooking is my passion. Someday, I want to open a bakery. Maybe someday I'll go to culinary school. That would be awesome.
12. My dad gives me flowers on a regular basis because he knows how much I love to have them in my house.
13. My dog has a bed that's about 8x the size he needs. Why get a twin when you can afford a king size? Oddly enough, the big one was cheaper at costco than the little ones are at petsmart. Pet stores are a rip-off.
14. My major weaknesses in life are candles, wine, makeup, and office supplies. You can never have too much of those four things.
15. Peaches are my favorite fruit by far.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Nothing too big going on in my house. Woke up to 2 dozen beautiful roses, a balloon, and a lovely card. Then I worked 7:45-1, went to class 2-6:30 (the class is scheduled 2-8 but she let us go early to celebrate the day!), then grabbed a heart-shaped Papa Murphy's pizza for me and Chris. I'm too tired to cook! Gimme a break! Maybe tomorrow I'll pull out all the stops and make a delicious dinner. Tonight, is pizza and wine, and spending time with the one I love. That's what this day is all about right?
Miluji svůj život.
Nothing too big going on in my house. Woke up to 2 dozen beautiful roses, a balloon, and a lovely card. Then I worked 7:45-1, went to class 2-6:30 (the class is scheduled 2-8 but she let us go early to celebrate the day!), then grabbed a heart-shaped Papa Murphy's pizza for me and Chris. I'm too tired to cook! Gimme a break! Maybe tomorrow I'll pull out all the stops and make a delicious dinner. Tonight, is pizza and wine, and spending time with the one I love. That's what this day is all about right?
Miluji svůj život.
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