Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I love to read. I read constantly and for fun. I have WAY too many books to be on just one book shelf. They are currently piled into one bookcase and some are still in boxes. I also have a kindle with 70+ books on it, which I love, but if I had to choose between going to a bookstore and sitting for hours picking out books or buying them online and having them sent to my kindle... I'll pick books over Kindle everyday.
2. My dog Toby is the coolest/cutest dog you'll ever see. He is amazing and I'm so happy we found each other.
3. I studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. Every day I think about Prague and I miss it intensely. I WILL go back.
4. I love coffee and tea. I love them equally, but I tend to drink coffee more. I think it's because when I was in Prague the only coffee I could make at home was instant and it SUCKED so I drank tons of tea. So, I'm tea'd out I guess!
5. Math is my least favorite subject, ever.
6. I have two jobs. One is as an owner's assistant at a door and window company, and the other I nanny for a 6 year old little girl who I love to play and have fun with!
7. Babies frighten me. I think they're cute and what not, but they scare the crap out of me. I'm not even sure if I want to have kids.
8. One thing that I wish I did more often is take pictures. I love taking pictures, but it's hard to find the time to do it with everything else goign on in my life.
9. My favorite holiday is Christmas. Not too original, but that's okay.
10. I desperately want an iphone.
11. Cooking is my passion. Someday, I want to open a bakery. Maybe someday I'll go to culinary school. That would be awesome.
12. My dad gives me flowers on a regular basis because he knows how much I love to have them in my house.
13. My dog has a bed that's about 8x the size he needs. Why get a twin when you can afford a king size? Oddly enough, the big one was cheaper at costco than the little ones are at petsmart. Pet stores are a rip-off.
14. My major weaknesses in life are candles, wine, makeup, and office supplies. You can never have too much of those four things.
15. Peaches are my favorite fruit by far.
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