Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 13

:your 5 favorite books and why

Ohhhh this is a toughie! These aren't going to be in order of how much I like them or anything.

1) Water for Elephants. This is SUCH a good book. It's about an old man that lives in a nursing home and he sees a circus come into town, and he's remembering when he used to work in the circus. Seriously, if you haven't read this book, do it. It's amazing. They're making a movie of it now, but I'm sure it won't be as good as the book, obviously.

2) Harry Potter series! While I love all the books in this series, I particularly like The Goblet of Fire (#4) and the Deathly Hallows (#7). The Goblet of Fire is where Harry is entered into the Triwizard Tournament and he has to go through these crazy dangerous obstacles to get to the next round. It's really awesome. I like the obstacles, I like the writing style of it, and I like that Voldemort isn't really in it. While I think he makes for a good plot line, if all the books were about him then it would get a BIT boring. The Deathly Hallows is the last book in the series, and it's where Harry tries to find all of the pieces of Voldemort's soul (Horcruxes) and destroy them, and then to kill Voldemort himself. Crazyyyyy.

3) Angels and Demons. While everyone was raving about The Da Vinci Code, I was busy reading and re-reading Angels and Demons. I like The Da Vinci Code and all, but Angels and Demons was just SO MUCH BETTER. The plot was better, the twists were better, the characters were better, it was just 100% better.

4) The Five People you meet in Heaven. I saw this book on my Dad's shelf (which is rare, because he doesn't really read) and I always thought it was a religious book so I never picked it up. Well, I was bored one day so I grabbed it. I couldn't put it down! It's not a religious book at all, it's about the five people that you meet on your way to being able to get to your heaven. Five people that have made an impact on your life, whether you know it or not. It's SO GREAT!!! I read it one afternoon, it's a short book.

5) Bitter is the New Black (and the rest of Jen Lancaster's books!). I love Jen Lancaster, she is fricking HILARIOUS. Bitter is the New Black is about how she lost her job and had to downsize from her cushy corporate job and try and scrape by on much less money. Her writing style is hilarious... page turners for sure. She also wrote Such a Pretty Fat, My Fair Lazy, Pretty in Plaid, and Bright Lights, Big Ass.

If you go on that link, it's the trailer for her book Such a Pretty Fat. You'll see why I love her, she's just like me!

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